We don't have any server costs to deal with at the moment, but if you like what we do and want to show your appreciation by helping us pay for manga books, please donate any amount you wish! Thank you for all your support.
Past donators: Infornography, Siu, Lenners, Mickey, aragorn85, Carnivorous_Potato, and Niobe
Recent donators: ranoshi_ai (09/19)
Big thanks to our donators:
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How old is the MangaArt staff?
- 10-15
- 16-25
- 26-35
- 36-46
- Old as dirt!
- We're immortal~
Ladies and gentlemen, another year has passed in the life of MangaArt. Let's celebrate turning 14 with a release, Angelique v05 c018. Enjoy! Also, drink responsibly!
Thank you for the release! :D
Thank you so much for the release!! o/